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torsdag den 11. marts 2021



To live God very near.

An old treaty published by the Church Bell Publishers on the first page was a greeting: To Mrs. Jørgensen Dearest from Paula 1941
Below it was a sticky note. It is easy to die for Christ. - It's hard to live for him. It only takes a few hours to die, but living for him means dying every day.
Sundar Singh.

Here is the content of the Treaty:


An esteemed Lord's servant, used for the salvation of many souls, tells:
There is only one life that can win souls for Jesus, and that is the life of Jesus Christ. Any human being can have this life in their possession, and how sincerely I do not wish them all to receive it! It is my experience that every soul can reach not only the help of Jesus or the power of Jesus, but himself in all his fullness. Victory in my own life and power of service, that was my constant prayer. Right from my fifteenth year, I was working in the vineyard of God, for the human eyes to judge even a zealous servant, for I did not shoot, I sought out the most difficult people and the most weary. But the fruit, the fruit of all my efforts, where was it to eyes? Nowhere. Well I met thanks from people, but my heart longed for more than this, to see human life changed to the ground, burning for Jesus and his cause. At times, I resisted the old consolation (it was the evil one who whispered this to me in my heart) - that it was also not my case to see results when I did only my part, so I could safely leave the rest to God. But this comfort did not bring me rest, I was heartbroken at the sight of all the infertility that followed my service to the Lord. Who was to blame for all this? Was there a fundamental injury at the root of my own Christian life? Thus, I asked myself. Was it a deeper insight into God's secret Christ I needed? I even thought in my mind no, I had known Jesus and served him for more than twenty years, yet there was something in my heart that never fell to rest on this last question. In that unfathomable grace, at that time, the Lord gave me the opportunity to hear more testimonies of Christ's life. My tired eyes suddenly looked into a sea of ​​light, which dazzled me. I heard people testify to the glory of always being in Christ, so that one believed him more than his own feelings.

It was always Jesus first and last. He was to them all the fullness, as one expressed: All sources in the lives of Christians are: Jesus and Him alone. At first I was quite confused by the new I heard, were these brothers right? Then, despite all my unwillingness to sign my complete bankruptcy, I was wrong. In my downturned and discouraged, I was then sent to a large meeting as delegate for the work of an external mission. Little idea what awaited me.

Bishop X of India was to speak on the first night. The topic was called: The Water of Life. He said that it was Jesus' desire that his followers could always treat others with the water of life. With flowing streams of water. This got me too much. I suddenly broke down. I went back to my room for prayer and tears again and again told God that if there was a revelation that I did not have, then he had to give it to me. And God gave me in His love a new Jesus, a new light, a new life in Christ. Now became the words "Christ in us," and "We in Christ." and "Christ our life." suddenly living in a new way. My body was his, my will was his, I could say like Paul: With Christ I am crucified, and it is no longer me who lives, but Christ lives in me. Only now did I understand how Paul could rejoice: "Living is Christ."

Paul did not say: To live is to me is to get help from Jesus - or to live is to get power from Jesus to serve him. But, "Living is my Christ!" My whole life has since been transformed from the ground up, because "if anyone is in Christ, then he is a new creature.

The great oscillations of my spiritual life have been replaced by a quiet rest, a profound overpowering. And as far as my ministry in his vineyard is concerned, I have been allowed to share in a heavenly joy which I did not think was possible. Many are added to salvation. Jesus Christ will not only be our helper. He wants to be our life! Only when Jesus has become our life can we serve him in Spirit and Truth.

Do you, who read this, desire Jesus Christ as your life?
Do you sigh, as I did, for the fullness of Christ's blessing? Then confess your sin, and take Jesus, the Son of God, as your Savior, not only from sin but also from the power of sin. Completely surrender yourself to Jesus so that he becomes lord of all that you are and all that you have, and then ask God for the fullness of Christ to become yours. Then believe that God has done what you asked for and rest in the belief that it has happened, without counting your own feelings, but can count on Him alone. Then he will suddenly come to his holy Temple and fill you up to his fullness, so that it is no longer you who lives, but Christ lives in you. Ashave you received Christ as your life.

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