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torsdag den 1. april 2021






¤ 2008


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Du læser i. Mos.21.7-8. Om Israelitterne der fik et kobber slange at se hen til og op på. De blev bidt af slangerne. Det er nøjagtig samme situation, du står i. Du er, som alle andre, bidt af synden og de ting den medførte. Slangens, syndens, gift har gjort sin virkning i dig. Du mangler, lige som alle andre, Guds herlighed.

Om du vil være helt ærlig, mærker du også syndens ar. Du anklager dig selv over hvorfor du nu har gjort det og det. Du kan også være bange for at du ikke er frelst eller du føler dig slet ikke værdig til at komme i Himmelen. Du kan, som troende kristen være syg eller så overvældet af sorg at du slet ikke kan se at Jesus har fuldbragt Sit offer og gjort alt færdigt for dig. Om du tror på Jesus så gælder Rom. kap 8 for dig. Der er ikke noget at anklage dig for og der er ikke nogen fordømmelse for dig som er i Jesus Kristus.


Er i Jesus eller ikke er spørgsmålet? I Den Hellige Ånds liv?


Læg for øvrigt godt mærke til. Alt handler om du ved din tro er i Kristus. Udenfor eller indenfor, hvor skal Jesus finde dig, når Ham kommer tilbage for at hente enhver der tror på Ham?


Nu, her når du sidder og læser/hører det her, er der jo ikke nogen der kan se ind i dig.  Gud har for længst gennemskuet dig. Du må være 100% ærlig og erkende hvordan du i virkeligheden har det, og sige det lige ud til Jesus. Han har set dig og ved hvad du indeholder. Det gælder også din usikkerhed om du nu da også er frelst og dine smerter over du ikke kan det gode. Læs lige Esajas 53. Dig til fred kom al straf over Jesus. I dag lige nu. Er Jesus ved Sit Ord kommet til dig. Fordi Han ønsker du skal få lægedom og nyt mod ved at se på hvad Han virkelig har gjort for dig. 


Det er vigtig at du ligesom Israelitterne, der så på kobber slangen bliver ved i tro at se på korset og alt det der stå i Bibelen, om hvad Gud i Jesus allerede har gjort for dig og i tro tager imod det du er i Kristus. Det er hvad du er i Kristus der tæller og ikke hvad du er i dig selv.


Du har måske sagt til andre, når de tvivlede og havde problemer. Glem nu lige dig selv og se nu hen til Jesus. Hvad gør du selv? Glemmer du hvad du lærte andre? Ordet om korset gælder stadig for dig.


Du har en levende Jesus, som går iblandt os og gør godt. Præcis, som du læser om i Bibelen. Det står endda.365 gange at du ikke på nogen måder skal bekymre dig. Det gælder for alle ting. Du har ingen grund til at gå og ødelægge dig selv ved at bekymre dig. Du kan godt smide de tanker i samme glemsels hav angående tvivlen om alt det Jesus har gjort. At det måske slet ikke holder. At du slet ikke har gjort nok og du er dømt til fortabelse.









¤ 2008


You read in. Mos.21.7-8. About the Israelites who got a copper snake to look at and up on. They were bitten by the snakes. It is exactly the same situation you are in. You are, like everyone else, bitten by sin and the things it brought. The poison of the serpent, of sin, has made its effect in you. You, like everyone else, lack the glory of God.



If you want to be completely honest, you also feel the scars of sin. You accuse yourself of why you have now done this and that. You may also be afraid that you are not saved or you do not feel worthy to go to Heaven at all. As a believing Christian, you may be sick or so overwhelmed with grief that you cannot see at all that Jesus has accomplished His sacrifice and finished everything for you. If you believe in Jesus, then Rome applies. Chapter 8 for you. There is nothing to accuse you of and there is no condemnation for you who are in Jesus Christ.


Is in Jesus or not is the question? In the life of the Holy Spirit?


By the way, pay close attention. It's all about you by your faith being in Christ. Outside or inside, where will Jesus find you when He returns to pick up anyone who believes in Him?


Now, here when you sit and read / hear this, there is no one who can see into you. God has long since seen through you. You have to be 100% honest and acknowledge how you really feel, and say it straight to Jesus. He has seen you and knows what you contain. This also applies to your uncertainty about whether you are saved and your pain over not knowing the good. Just read Isaiah 53. You to peace came all the punishment over Jesus. Today right now. Has Jesus come to you by His Word. Because He wants you to receive healing and courage by looking at what He has really done for you.


It is important that you, like the Israelites who looked at the copper serpent, continue in faith to look at the cross and all that is written in the Bible, about what God in Jesus has already done for you and in faith accept what you are in Christ. It is what you are in Christ that counts and not what you are in yourself.


You may have told others when they doubted and had problems. Now just forget yourself and now look to Jesus. What do you do yourself? Do you forget what you taught others? The word about the cross still applies to you.


You have a living Jesus who walks among us and does good. Exactly as you read about in the Bible. It even says.365 times that you should not worry in any way. It applies to all things. You have no reason to go and ruin yourself by worrying. You may well throw those thoughts into the sea of ​​oblivion concerning the doubt of all that Jesus has done. That it might not hold at all. That you have not done enough at all and you are doomed to perdition.



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